I wrote this poem for a friend that was going through a hard time with her "boyfriend" that practically dumped her out of his life and gave her a hard time about it. Yes, I actually wrote this. <3 Please tell me what you think of it.
Shards of melodies lay at her feet
Harmony doesn’t exist
The notes between hearts pass by
The staff of the song breaks under one tear
Sharps and flats in the song
Knock out all the music
As someone enters his life
And she’s left behind to sweep the song aside.
Usually songs bring truth
But from him the song is anything but truth
And even though forever belongs to her heart
Lies pour out of his mouth
As he lives his great life
She’s left to sit and remember
It’s hard to listen to a song
That has no melody.
And even though she sits on the curb
Tired, beat up, and broken
He lives his life that will turn out to be
Tired, beat up, and broken because he’s that kind of person.
Hands reach out playing notes and harmonies in the background
One day she’ll recognize a new song that keeps playing for her over and over again
It won’t be the broken song she was used to
And she’ll follow her new song, playing it back to the original owner.
That song won’t break or shatter
That song will follow her heart
And when she’s ready
That song could play at her wedding.