out of characterrespect is important. we all want it, so we all need to give it. staff will respect members and in return, members must listen to and respect the staff. this may be the most important rule of all and I will
not tolerate disrespect from or toward anyone.
you ought to already know and understand most of the basic rules. if you don't, feel free to bring it up with staff. such rules include but are not limited to: no powerplay or godmod, no spamming, flooding, or harassing. use common sense and follow the 'golden rule', treat others as you'd like to be treated.
discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. anarchy is a place for fun and friends where members come to relax and do what they enjoy doing: roleplaying. it should be a place where everyone feels safe and happy, so do your best to keep it that way. if you feel at all threatened, bothered, or upset by another member here
do not hesitate to tell staff. one account per member.
be active in the out of character boards just as you would in the in-character boards.
postingevery post must be 100 words or more. this is a rule that
will be enforced. a hundred words is nothing compared to what can be done when one considers their character's five senses (taste, touch, scent, sound, sight) and, most importantly, their thoughts and feelings. reaching our word limit should be no struggle at all.
keep roleplay appropriate. our
rpg rating is L2 S1 V2.
plots of any kind are always encouraged, but if your plot may interfere with a current side-wide plot or gets out of hand, staff reserve the right to cancel your plot.
threads will be moved to the archives when they have not been posted in for one to two weeks, depending on circumstances. if you finish a thread, be sure to let someone who can move it know so our boards don't get cluttered!
incorrect grammar and spelling will not be tolerated. mistakes happen of course, but proboards provides a spell checker tool which ought to be used, and since no one under thirteen should be joining, everyone should have a basic grasp of punctuation and sentence structure.
in-characterfirst characters by a new member must be created within a week of their joining or their account may be deleted.
you must let us know if you'll be gone for more than five days. if you don't, you'll be considered MIA. when we feel that you have indeed gone missing in action, all of your characters will be moved to the archives. any high positions will be put up for try-outs immediately.
you must post in character at least once a week or you will be messaged by staff regarding your inactivity in the roleplay. after this warning if your activity does not improve you may be considered MIA, depending on circumstances.
there is no character limit, because we as staff cannot judge what you can handle, and it varies for everyone. however, if a staff member senses inactivity in a character they reserve the right to move it to the archives.
characters must be unique and original-- mary sues and gary stus are unappealing and no fun to play with, so try to avoid them when creating a cat. staff are not afraid to criticize biographies and will do so if they feel your character is too cliche or unoriginal.
a pair of cats should thread twice before declaring love or becoming mates.
females are pregnant for two months, so your queen should be in about two or three threads of pregnancy before she gives birth (staff will usually give you the go-ahead when we feel a queen is ready).
both 'traditional' and non-traditional names are encouraged, but if we feel a character's name is out of line, staff will ask for reasoning behind said name before accepting or declining.